Solid Mechanics

- The Strength of Material also called Mechanics of Solids consists of the study of the mechanical behaviour of solid deformable bodies under the action of external forces taking into account the internal forces and deformations.
- It is based on the principles of the familiar Newtonian mechanics and the mechanical properties of materials and has been a subject of human interest for a long. Although the use of the name Mechanics of Solids maybe only about half a century old, the subject has been studied under the names Strength of Materials, Structural Mechanics, Theory Of Elasticity and Plasticity, Structural Stability Theory etc. for a fairly long time.
- Theory of Elasticity and Structural Stability Analysis have been subjects of interest of mathematicians and physicists and have been treated with mathematical rigour and general concepts involved in each topic have been developed. The Strength of Materials, however, has been studied by practising engineers and academicians on the basis of simplifying assumptions and experimental results of the tests related to mechanical Properties sciences.
- A rigid material is one that does not undergo any change in its geometry, size or shape. On the other hand, a deformable material is the one in which change in size, shape or both will occur when it is subjected to a force/moment.
- The geometrical changes produced are called deformations and hence the name deformable material. All materials are actually deformable and the idea of rigid material is only a conceptual idealization. A rigid material term has been used just for simplification in the analysis.
1. Stress and Strain
2. SFD and BMD
3. Deflection of Beams
4. Transformation of Stress and Strain
5. Combined Stresses
6. Bending Stress in Beams
7. Shear Stress in Beams
8. Torsion of Circular Shaft
9. Thick and Thin Shell
10. Columns
11. Springs
12. Moment Of Inertia
9. Thick and Thin Shell
10. Columns
11. Springs
12. Moment Of Inertia