- The evolution and advancements in transportation facilities have been closely linked with the development of human being throughout the history of the world. Transportation contributes to the economic, industrial, social, and cultural development of any country. Transportation is vital for the economic development of any region since every commodity produced, whether it is an agricultural or industrial product needs to be transported at various stages from production to distribution.
- At the production stage, transportation is required for carrying raw materials like seeds, manure, coal, steel, machines, component parts, etc. At the distribution stage, transportation is required from the production centers like the farms and factories to the marketing centers and later to the retailers and to the consumers.
- Inadequate transportation facilities retard the process of socioeconomic and cultural development of the country. The development of an adequate transportation system in a country indicates its economic growth and progress in social development.
Economic Activity and Transport
Economic activities are the processes in which the products are utilized to satisfy human needs. Two important factors well known in economic activity are:
- Production or supply
- Consumption for human wants or demand
1. Different Modes of Transportation
2. Geometric Design
3. Highway Materials
4. Pavement Design
5. Highway Construction
6. Highway Maintenance