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Environmental Engineering

Importance and Necessity for Planned Water Supplies
  • Water is a chemical compound and may occur in a liquid form or in a solid form or in a gaseous form. All these three forms of water are extremely useful to man, providing him with the luxuries and comforts, in addition to fulfilling his basic necessities of life. 
  • Every one of us knows how important and precious water is. Whenever there is no water in our taps, we become helpless. 
  • No life can exist without water since water is as essential for life as air is. It has been estimated that two-thirds of the human body is constituted of water.
  • Water is absolutely essential not only for the survival of human beings but also for animals, plants, and all other living beings. Further, it is necessary that the water required for their needs must be good, and it should not contain unwanted impurities or harmful chemical compounds, or bacteria. 
  • Therefore, in order to ensure the availability of a sufficient quantity of good quality water, it becomes almost imperative in modern society, to plan and build suitable water supply schemes, which may provide potable water to the various sections of the community in accordance with their demands and requirements.
  • The provision of such a scheme shall ensure a constant and reliable water supply to that section of the people for which it has been designed. Such a scheme shall not only help in supplying safe wholesome water to the people for drinking, cooking, bathing, washing, etc. so as to keep the diseases away and thereby promoting better health; but would also help in supplying water for fountains, gardens, etc. and thus helping in maintaining better sanitation and beautification of surroundings, thereby reducing the environmental pollution. 
  • Besides promoting overall hygiene and public health, it shall ensure safety against fire by supplying a sufficient quantity of water to extinguish it. The existence of such a water supply scheme shall further help in attracting industries (since industries require large amounts of water) and thereby helping in industrialization and modernization of the society, consequently reducing unemployment and ensuring better living standards. Such schemes shall, therefore, help in promoting the wealth and welfare of the entire humanity as a whole.
Wholesome water: 
The water which is safe and potent for drinking to human health is referred to as wholesome water. Such water will neither contain any chemicals or impurities in excess of which they may harm a human body nor any harmful bacteria or microorganisms. Water that is safe due to the absence of harmful bacteria may or may not be wholesome, but wholesome water will always be safe.

1. Water Demand, Its Source & Conveyance
2. Quality Parameters of Water
3. Treatment of Water
4. Distribution System
5. Waste Water Characteristics
6. Biochemical Reaction in Treatment of Waste Water
7. Disposal of Sewage Effluent
8. Design of Sewerage System and Sewer Appurtenances
9. Sewage Treatment 
10. Solid Waste Management
11. Air Pollution
12. Noise Pollution

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